Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rachelle's work leaves home

Well well well, Blog. I remember you. And all the guilt you bring me whenever people ask if they can view some of my art online. It's excruciatingly embarrasing to say, "Yes, I have some online, but the site has not been updated in over a year." And here's the clincher - I want people to be able to see all the work! Shame on me (3 hail Mary's?).

Here is a deposit of images.


Here is a deposit of images that reflect the paintings that I recently hung in a fabulous coffee shop in Victoria called Solstice Cafe (529 Pandora Street). I am so excited and proud to have some of my work on display, and in such a cool place! Let's put it this way... they have an award on the wall for being the best place in Victoria to breastfeed. And the food is amazing. And the tea... don't get me started. But either way, here's an update of what I've been up to, and I intend to dedicate some efforts to keep this website in better shape.
PS: If you actually click on the images above, they should expand so you can see bigger images. Also, anything with fish heads in it tends to be newer work. Cheers all!

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