COMPLETE: July 04, 2009. All I know is that it's done. And the next self-propelled painting project will involve the human body and lungs. Mostly lungs. Probably.
As for this project, I think I am slowly getting a grasp of what I am exploring. The unfortunate part is that I am not sure how to effectively explain what's going on. There is obviously still some exploration of materiality. And there is some sort of psychoemotional (is that a word? probably not) expression. I think the dog is a device to distance the painting from becoming to directly personal, as the message should not only be applicable in a self-study sense. I think everyone suffers from inner conflicts, and the obvious desire to behave in different ways than is appropriate (shut up, Freud). On that note, I think I am doing the image damage by saying anything about it, but feel free to let me know what you think.
Painting Update: June 28, 2009. Hard to say if it's finished. I don't want to talk about it. *huffs off* (which means I know it's not). But I do like how the dog is now looking less angry and more afraid. Despite their being more or less the same emotion.
Drawing update: June 22, 2009. Welp. I think the drawing portion is relatively completed. So much of it is going to be covered in paint anyways. And I am still looking forward to those teeth. I'm still thinking about what I'm getting out of this, and I feel like it may be commenting on becoming what you embrace. Regardless of what you want to embrace, or regardless of if you want to embrace anything?
Drawing update: June 17, 2009. I'm thinking crusty yellow teeth. Sorta like the yellow in the fish head painting below. I think it references something biological that is a result of harm (puss). And something about being harmed by being the harmer. Ah. On with my blither blather.
Narcissism dog likes empathy? Title in progress. As is the drawing. I can't wait to make those teeth look gnar.
...this is another narcissistic empathy painting. Something about being too distracted with frivolousness to notice the grotesque fishy heads. Or something. I'll elaborate later... maybe.